Friday, January 28, 2011

Organize: Jewelry Board

So I set out to be Martha Stewart this week:)  I went to Jo Ann's to find a piece of fabric.  Then I dug through my husbands tools and hardware and got what I needed.  And this is what I created!!! 

I am looking at making more to sell on Etsy...we'll see what happens!
I am also going to add this handle upside to create a cup for rings and other small jewelry.


  1. Seriously, that is awesome Salena! Great idea =)

  2. Ooh, I love this! And I have been looking at jewelry holders on Amazon lately, but none have rocked my world yet. This, however, does totally rock my world! Can I buy one?! When does your Etsy shop open?! :)

  3. Oh me at and I will keep you posted. Shawn and I are going to work on some basic ones tomorrow so I can get the price down and then I will have you look for a fabric that you like.
