Why start a blog? I know as a parent life just gets crazy but I believe if you are an organized parent life can be a bit easier. That is why I named the blog Organizing As A Parent.
I am a lover of organizing. I know that sounds absolutely crazy to most people but I do have this unique love for organization. I may not be perfect at it but I try. Throughout this blog I will try to post some of my little secrets of organizing that has made my life so much easier. Some may fit you and some may not but you may want to give them a try. If you get stuck somewhere or have a question, just shoot me an email at salbegs@gmail.com and I will be happy to help.
I believe if you live an organized life, you will be able to focus on other things you love and enjoy instead of always on the search for that lost item or late for a meeting because you forgot to write it on your calendar instead of the post it note. We live busy lives especially if you are a parent.
After I started writing the blog just about organizing I decide to add some more to it. Since I seem to come across helpful information and tips that have helped me and I want to be able to share them with others. Everything from organizing, recipes, children, motherhood, blogs that I follow, cleaning and other random things.
I have put labels to help with digging around the blog so I hope this is helpful. I am trying to keep them limited so it doesn't get out of control!
If you wish to contact me, you can email at salbegs@gmail.com.
Happy Parenting!