Monday, August 2, 2010

Why Start A Blog

I was thinking the other day about starting a blog...what do I name it, what would I talk about, who will read it...Not sure on any of those answers but here I am.  I named the organizing parent.  I LOVE to organize!!  I could reorganize over and over again.  I figured I could use this blog to give tips on organizing that are practical and simple that I use.  I also figured as a parent there is so much to learn from being a parent so I will share lessons from my own family.  I also like to share tips on saving money or cool things I come across or even recipes.  I think making life easy is what I am all about.  I believe being organized helps enjoy life and you don't waste time.  So I hope I can do this blog and it will be helpful to whoever reads it.  Enjoy!!!


  1. Great Blog! luv all your tips and luv all your labeling :)

  2. Hey, I'm always game for ideas to help make life easier! :)
