Thursday, December 23, 2010

Christmas- Keeping It Organized

So Christmas can be the time of year that all craziness breaks loose.  You get overwhelmed by wrapping all the gifts and putting away all the gifts.

Here are a few tips that I use:
-A few days before Christmas I go through the kids toys and clean out what they don't play with or haven't played with in a while.  If they are done with them completely I put them in a box and will store them in the basement for either a garage sale or to give away.  If they are toys they still want to play with, I will box them up and get them out later in the year and switch something out.  This doesn't really happen to often because when my kids are done with a toy they are done (so I'm I).

-For wrapping, I use one style of wrapping paper for Bryson and one style for Keelin so I don't have to put names on all of the presents.

-I use the same wrapping paper for both of them for Santa's present.  My kids only get one present from Santa "because there are lots of other kids who need stuff and you can't take all of them."

-Also so we don't get carried away I seen a Victorian Poem that I liked - SOMETHING YOU WANT, SOMETHING YOU NEED, SOMETHING YOU WEAR, SOMETHING YOU READ
So then we buy something for each of those (since my kids are little they might get a while outfit not just a shirt because it is not that costly yet).
We also like to add give - so the kids begin to understand the meaning of giving

-When we put away all the presents there is room in the rooms because we just cleaned their toys out a few days ago.  Sometimes I may even put some of their new toys away and bring them out in the few months so they don't get overwhelmed by all the new stuff and never play with it all.

Hope you have a wonderful Christmas!!!

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